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Course Content
Introduction to The Church Process & Humble Beginnings (Part 1)
Pastor Tom speaks about the creation of The Church Family Fellowship and how it came to be, whom it is associated with, and what defines its unique distinctions from other churches in the community.
Salvation & Conversion (Part 2)
Elder Brent speaks about the importance of Salvation and Accepting the Lord into our lives. He speaks in detail about the Acceptance of The Gospel, What Happens at Conversion, and the New Believer Growth Process.
The Significance of Baptism (Part 3)
Baptism is one of two ordinances Jesus gave when establishing his church. It is, therefore, as old as the faith itself and every Christian is commanded to be baptized.  But before someone is baptized, it is important for him or her to understand all it means. In this video, you will learn that baptism does at least three things: - Provides a public profession of an internal trust in Jesus - Joins the new believer to the family of God - Symbolizes physically what has happened spiritually for those who follow Jesus As you begin to take this exciting step in your walk of faith, we pray you will better understand this deep commitment you are about to take.  After this video is completed, you will be asked to answer three simple questions to reassure yourself that you understand this holy sacrament of Christianity.
The Authority of Scripture (Part 4)
Pastor Lenny speaks about the infallibility of The Word found in Scripture exploring “God’s Word” as the Ultimate Authority and The Bible, Inspired and Inerrant in its Original Writings.
Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts (Part 5)
Pastor Ray speaks about the discovery and use of each believer's Spiritual Gifts and how they can be used to better the ministry as a whole.
The Foundations Of Our Faith (Full Course)
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    Walt Russell-Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts.pdf
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