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“Do You See it Now?” (Luke 18:1-8)

On Passion Sunday, Pastor Cleve looks at Jesus’s victorious entry into Jerusalem that marks the beginning of Holy Week. He notes the cleansing of the temple in Matthew 21:1-13 and compares it to Luke 18:1-8, where He encourages His disciples and us with a parable to pray...
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Staying Steadfast in Hardship (Luke 17:26-37)

Is the Coronavirus a sign of the end of the world? Probably not, but that doesn’t mean our world won’t be permanently changed. Join us for the Church Family Fellowship’s next virtual service where Pastor Lenny explains what being steadfast in the midst of trials...
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Trusting God in a Time of Crisis (Luke 17:20-25)

Life can be hard these days as people are confined to their homes, worried about the Coronavirus or even getting groceries. But trials and suffering have always ben part of our human existence. In the Church Family Fellowship’s first virtual service, Pastor Lenny explores...
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Breaking Down Barriers by Blowing up Icons

Learn how Jesus creates a paradigm  shift in his own hometown by shattering their expectations of him, their expectations of God’s grace, and their expectations of justice. Passage: Luke 4:14-30
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When the Remake is Better than the Original

Understanding the temptations of Jesus helps us better understand his role as both the second Adam and the second Israel. We can also glean for his temptations why we are tempted and how we can better handle the temptations that come our way. Passage: Luke 4:-13
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