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Let’s Stand

EPHESIANS 6:10-20 Today more than ever we need to stand strong in the battle. one way we do that is in prayer. Therefore stand!
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To Seek a Savior’s People & Place of Worship

    In this section of Luke 19:41-48 we see Jesus finally arriving now on The Mount of Olives and seeing Jerusalem yet again, having full and complete understanding of the context of what this final destination would entail.  What conflict of emotion must have filled...
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To Seek & Save Yourself

Luke 19:11-27 Now on the final leg of His last trip to Jerusalem, just before His Triumphal Entry, Jesus stops in Jericho to save one of His lost sheep, Zacchaeus. While there He tells a parable of a Nobleman who goes to a far county to receive the authority to become King. In...
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To Seek and Save- The Lost

Once again we will continue in our survey through the gospel of Luke, as we come to Chapter 19. Within this chapter we will take time to explore a min-series, which I am calling the “To Seek & Save” Series. For Jesus has come To Seek & Save The Lost, and as we shall see...
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A Godly Mother Recipe – Part 2

For this 2nd Sermon in our 2 part Series we will be reviewing the final two lives of these five women, for Sunday 2020-05-17 (The Sunday After Mother’s Day).  We will be looking into the life of Bathsheba an adulteress, and The Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Savior Jesus Christ,...
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A Godly Mother Recipe – Part 1

Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus (His legal bloodline through Joseph) lists five women. Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and of course, Jesus’ mother, Mary.  We will be taking a deep dive into the lives of these five women in order to understand why God included them in his family...
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Do You See Jesus? Luke 18:31-43

Do you see Jesus? We can have 20/20 vision when we keep our eyes on Jesus. Don’t let your circumstances blur your vision. Look to Jesus.
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Do You See The Value?

Looking at eternal life and how to receive it. It isn’t in any thing we do. It is all what Jesus has done and seeing Him and follow Him when he calls you.
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