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To Kill A King: Savior’s Supper vs Greatness Goals

Pastor Tom continues with the 2nd sermon in his new mini series out of the gospel of Luke chapter 22, called “To Kill a King: A Contrast & Comparison”. In today’s sermon we will find great insight into 4 segments of Contrasts & Comparisons by way of a mirrored...
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To Kill a King: The Plot vs Passover Prep

Luke 22:1-13  Pastor Tom begins a new mini series out of the gospel of Luke as we dive into Luke chapter 22, called “To Kill a King: A Contrast & Comparison”. We will see a cosmic chess match in which Satan will put Jesus in check, but Jesus will make the final move...
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A Sunday of Worship

A time of worship with Brent & Joanne Ayotte and Friends
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TIME IS SHORT! How Important is a Testimony?

The signs show how time is short. Through our chaos and trials, God is developing our testimony. We can glorify God without any preparation because He is faithful and we have lived it. Luke 21:10-19
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TIME IS SHORT! How Important is Jerusalem?

Jerusalem is going to be destroyed. Jesus prophesies on the near future of Jerusalem. History confirms its accuracy, showing that His return and relationship with Israel is true also. Luke 21:20-28
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Time Is Short! How Important is the Temple?

We look at the Widow at the temple with her freewill offering.  Jesus commends her for giving from her life.  This encourages us that His desire is that we would give ourselves completely to Him.  Luke 21
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